sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Promoting reading in Secondary classes

Do you know "the 39 clues" material to promote reading with Secondary school kids? You can find more information at www.the39clues.com :


  • All ten books of the #1 bestselling series are available now! Read The 39 Clues books to follow Amy Cahill and her brother Dan as they travel the world to hunt for the Clues. Each of the ten books comes with 6 game cards, reveals important information about the Cahills, and most importantly, unlocks one Clue!
  • Audio editions are available through your favorite bookseller or through Audible.com.


  • The cards provide the leads you need to track down the 39 Clues.
  • Each book comes with a set of 6 cards.
  • 39 Clues card packs are available separately. Each card pack comes with 16 randomly assorted cards. Card Packs 1, 2, 3 and 4 are available now!
  • Each card comes with a unique identification code. Enter this code on the website to create your own online card collection.
  • No two card packs are alike - collect them all!


  • Join now to start your hunt for the 39 Clues. Create an account, discover which branch of the Cahill family YOU belong to, and start exploring the website to see if you can be the first to find the Clues

You can also see how a teacher used this material to promote reading literacy with Middle School Boys

Foundation Reading: How to motivate reluctant readers

As a follow up of our last session issue ("Working on Reading") we want to offer you this episode of  Action! Teacher Video , where Foundation teacher Heather Ravenhall presents her film,   How to Motivate Reluctant Readers.


HMH bigarren jardunaldia/ 2ª jornada sobre el Marco de Experimentación Trilingüe

On March 2nd you will have the chance to attend the 2nd HMH/MET Conference at Miramar Jauregia in Donosti. From 9:00 to 14:00 we will listen to David Lasagabaster, followed by the presentation of 4 schools carrying out the project. This Conference is meant as a meeting point for those schools involved in the project during this school year and those new schools wanting to implement it during the school year 2011-2012.

Your headteachers have received a letter and the Conference programme. Take into account that to attend the Conference teachers have to sign up at http://nagusia.berritzeguneak.net/eu/inscripcion.php?codigo=107c0BGNC32 


Next Tuesday we will deal with the following topics:

1.-Listening: strategies and tips
2.-Guidelines for Reading
3.-Building up a sequence  from the point of view of the Key Competences (II)

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Ongietorria! ¡Bienvenid@s! Welcome!

Welcome to our the HIRUELETASUNA blog! Our blog is addressed to those 7 Primary and Secondary schools related to the Berritzegune of Leioa that take part in the Trilingual project. It is also ment to be a complement of the new wiki (b08hirueletasuna) we have recently set up for languages and a means of communication for members of our HIRUELETASUNA seminar. We will use this space to let you know about last news, calls, tasks ("homework"!)... To make sure you keep up to date with this information, please, subscribe to this blog (RSS).

Ongi etorria HIRUELETASUNA blogera! Hirueletasun proiektuan dauden Leioako Berritzeguneko zazpi LH eta BHko ikastetxeentzat pentsatuta dago gure bloga. Ireki dugun wikiaren osagarria (b08hirueletasuna ) izango da eta gure artean komunikatzeko erabiliko dugu. Gune honetan azken berriak, deialdiak, taldearen ardurak ("etxekolanak"!!!)... sartuko ditugu. Sarrera berriak jasotzen dituzuela ziurtatzeko, egin harpidetza, mesedez (RSS).

¡Bienvenidas y bienvenidos al blog HIRUELETASUNA! Nuestro nuevo blog está dirigido al profesorado de los 7 centros de Primaria y Secundaria de la zona del Berritzegune de Leioa que están tomando parte en el proyecto MET (marco de Experimentación Trilingüe) y que acuden a nuestro seminario. Pretende ser un complemento del wiki
b08hirueletasuna y una herramienta de comunicación entre los miembros del seminario. En este espacio incluiremos noticias, convocatorias, tareas (¡deberes!!!)... Para aseguraros de que recibís toda esta información, utilizad, por favor, el botón de sindicación (RSS).